Review for Sinful Rewards #9 by Cynthia Sax

Sinful Rewards 9 by Cynthia Sax

Avon Impulse / ISBN: 9780062354266

On Sale March 17th, 2015


No longer torn between the billionaire and the biker, Bee has claimed her man, branding his skin with her scent, his soul with her care. He’s her ideal choice, building passion within her she didn’t know existed, supporting her dreams, and willing to do anything for her.

But is she the ideal choice for him?

An early-morning surprise attack and the arrival of a beautiful, witty, and regrettably nice rival make Bee question her decision. Does she step aside, forgoing her forever to ensure her man’s survival, or does she risk his life and her heart on love?

Kim's Review

Cynthia Sax's "Sinful Rewards #9" is the ninth installment in the Sinful Rewards series. Holy hell, this series keep getting better and better!!!! I can't wait for the rest of the series!!!! Follow along as Bee tries to navigate through what has become of her life with what Nicolas said the night before in front of camera phones which captured everything. The media frenzy that follows is crazy! Poo Bee isn't even allowed to leave the condo. What happens when Friendly gives her another task to complete? What happens when Hawke makes Bee's mom leave her home and job and sends her to his families farm? What happens when Cyndi decides to go to LA and asks Bee to go with her? Will she go? Will she stay with Hawke? What happens when Bee is surprised at the condo? Will they harm her, or will she help them? Find out all these answers and more in this awesome book!!!

5 out of 5 stars

Releases: March 17th



I limp toward Dawg. “Here.” I hand him the phone. “Next time you tattle on me, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t share every little detail.”

“He asked, miss.” Dawg doesn’t appear at all contrite.

“A distracted marine is a dead marine.” I quote Mack, one of Hawke’s men. “Whether Hawke asks or not, you’re not to call him with trivial concerns while he’s on an assignment. Got it?”

The older man maintains my gaze. “Got it.” He doesn’t look away, his lips silently moving as though he’s debating with himself.

I raise an eyebrow.

“He wants you to talk to Hawke, to tell him I’m ready to lead the high-profile assignments.” Ellen’s eyes glitter with excitement.

“That is Organization business,” Dawg barks. “He wouldn’t appreciate us discussing it.”

She shrugs.

Hawke knows she can lead the high-profile assignments, but I don’t relay this because Dawg’s right. My military man won’t appreciate them discussing Organization business, not with me, an outsider.

Plus I’m not certain he will ever delegate this responsibility. I won’t raise my new friend’s hopes.

“Do you really want to lead those assignments?” I gaze at her. How crazy is she? “They’re extremely dangerous.”

“They’re challenging, not extremely dangerous.” Ellen rolls her eyes. “The team is thorough. We reduce the risk of assignments to almost nothing.”

They reduce the risk of assignments to almost nothing. My lips flatten. There’s still a chance that Hawke could die, could leave me forever.

If Ellen was his girl, our relationship would end, but he might live.

Author Bio:

CYNTHIA SAX lives in a world filled with magic and romance. Although her heroes may not always say “I love you,” they will do anything for the women they adore. They live passionately. They play hard. They love the same women forever.

Cynthia has loved the same wonderful man forever. Her supportive hubby offers himself up to the joys and pains of research, while they travel the world together, meeting fascinating people and finding inspiration in exotic places such as Istanbul, Bali, and Chicago.

Please visit her on the web at


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