Cover Reveal for Absolution by LP Lovell & Stevie J. Cole

Title: Absolution Authors: LP Lovell & Stevie J. Cole Genre: Romantic Suspense Cover Design: Iko nic Imagery Photographer: W ander Aguiar Model: Garrick Murdie Release Date: January 11 , 2016 Blurb Evelyn I pray to be forgiven for my sins, but the prayers of someone like me won't dare breach the edge of heaven. Sins. All sins are equal in the eyes of God, but I'm not God. Some sins are far more wretched than others. And those sinners should pay, Evelyn. One sinner made me his sin, and I can't let men like him live. They must face their judgement, Evelyn. I want to kill them. Every. Last. One. Ezra James is no different, and I wanted to kill him, I needed to kill him, I'm was going to kill him...And then I found myself fascinated by him, obsessed and possessed in the most reverent of ways. I became his sinner, and he became my sin, but the wages of sin is death, so I must kill him. Ezra The son of a whore, raised by...